
Therma-Green Wins Nanotech Insulation Distributorship for Florida

NAPLES , Fla. — Eco-friendly insulation group Therma-Green struck an international deal in April that is expected to boost the availability of nanotechnology to solve energy and climate-related problems in Florida ‘s industrial sector.

Under the deal, Industrial Nanotech Inc. granted exclusive state distributorship rights for its line of nanotechnology products to the Naples-based company, which specializes in energy efficient, moisture-resistant thermal insulation solutions.

Nanotechnology uses chemical or physical manipulation of matter to create nanomaterials that are at least 100,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.

the technology has been hailed by many as a scientific breakthrough with the potential to revolutionize many areas of human life and solve some of the planet’s most pressing medical and environmental problems.

However, with the field of nanotechnology in its infancy and no long-term scientific studies have been conducted.

According to a 2006 white paper released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, there remain many unanswered questions about the fundamental impacts of nanomaterials and nanoproducts on human health and the environment.

As of 2005, approximately 300 consumer products were said to contain nanomaterials, including cosmetics, clothing, computers and medical devices, officials say.

Nansulate liquid uses patented nanotechnology to combine Hydro-NM-Oxide with acrylic resin. The coating is engineered to provide thermal insulation with corrosion and anti-microbial protection, company officials say.

Therma-Green intends to market the nanotechnology to the industrial sector as an environmentally friendly thermal insulation solution that can maximize energy efficiency and minimize the moisture and mold problems common to Florida ‘s humid climate, officials say.