Texas Company Looks to Conquer North American Bio-fuels Market
HOUSTON — H2Diesel enlisted the renewable-energy financing expertise of eBarton to launch the company’s alternative bio-fuel Throughout North America.
Prompted by an increase in bio-fuels consumption, the company sought eBarton’s assistance in marketing its bio-fuel to utilities and independent power producers.
Houston-based H2Diesel holds an exclusive manufacturing license to proprietary alternative bio-fuel technology that produces bio-fuel from renewable vegetable oils and animal fats.
An emulsification process blends water with several chemicals. The resulting proprietary additive is blended with commodity or post-consumer vegetable oil feedstock to produce the bio-fuel with no significant by-products, according to the company.
The product is intended as a fuel or fuel additive for power generation or for use in heavy equipment, marine equipment or heating installations.
H2Diesel’s bio-fuel produces 80 percent fewer carbon dioxide emissions and almost 100 percent fewer sulphur dioxide emissions than petroleum-based diesels, company officials say.