Rocky Mountain Institute


Wind Tower Manufacturing Project to Create Jobs

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A wind tower manufacturing facility will be built in Cheyenne, in a joint venture by Spanish industrial holding company Gestamp Renewables and Columbus, Ohio-based Worthington Energy Group, a subsidiary of Worthington Industries, Inc., Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead announced on Tuesday.
The facility will total 160,000 square feet, and will be built on 30 acres of land in the Cheyenne Logistics Hub at Swan Ranch, according to a statement from the governor’s office.

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NextEra to Replace Thousands of Wind Turbines

OAKLAND, Calif. — NextEra Energy Resources has agreed replace thousands of wind turbines in California’s Altamont Pass as part of a settlement with state lawmakers and environmental groups, according to the California attorney general’s office. The replacement aims to reduce the number of golden eagles, red-tailed hawks and other birds killed by the turbine blades.

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Wind Farm Approved at Cape Cod

WASHINGTON – A $900 million, 130-turbine wind farm planned for a site just off the coast of Cape Cod in the Nantucket Sound received final approval from the federal government, opening the door to building the nation’s first offshore wind farm and marking the end of a nine-year struggle to approve the project.
The Cape Wind project has undergone a comprehensive review by 17 federal and state agencies over the past eight years, and opposition from legislators, residents of Cape and islands, and other critics.

Wind Power

New Brunswick — Dorchester Penitentiary, a 466-inmate, medium-security facility in New Brunswick, Canada, is home to the first large-scale wind turbine erected by the Correctional Service of Canada and the largest installation on Canadian government property.

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