Pew Research Predicts U.S. Will Lag in Green Markets

WASHINGTON — A new report by the Pew Charitable Trusts (PCT) argues that the green economy in the United States is currently at a tipping point, a moment when the future of the green technology, construction and energy markets will either receive a massive boost and grow into the future, or resign to stagnation. The PCT is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization, based in Philadelphia, which strives to change the public dialogue on matter of public policy.

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Greening the Cloud: Data Centers Slowly Embrace Efficiency

Cloud computing has widely been viewed as a phenomenon that will lead to a “greening” of the business sector by enabling companies to “go paperless,” but many of the facilities that provide the digital storage for these services are beginning to develop a reputation for being inefficient. The sheer volume of data centers being built throughout the world makes their cumulative impact massive. The need to keep staggering amounts of servers and equipment cool can lead to a very large carbon footprint.

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California Company Guides Customers Through the Green Building Process

PALO ALTO, Calif. — In the ever-expanding world of green technology, organizations looking to build new facilities or upgrade existing structures can often be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of options. As the green building boom continues, it seems inevitable that a related industry will rise up to help guide owners through the process of choosing what green strategies to employ.

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Green Buildings Alive – Podcast

While it might seem that less people working in a commercial building means less energy used, data gathered by Investa Sustainability Institute, based in Sydney, Australia, shows that buildings actually perform better at full occupancy.  We talk with Beck Dawson, Sustainability Manager with the Institute, who tells us how this counterintuitive study works, and about a webs

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