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Missouri Western State Partners with Schneider Electric

ST. JOSEPH, Mo. — Missouri Western State University is partnering with Andover, Mass.-based Schneider Electric to help the institution save nearly $400,000 in energy costs over 15 years. The university expects an additional $400,000 in utility incentives will help offset campus-wide upgrades across its building, lighting, water and mechanical systems.

Energy-efficient schools can lower their annual operating costs by up to 30 percent, according to the Department of Energy. Increasingly, schools are looking to improve the performance of their facilities to free up funds that could help pay for building improvements and other upgrades.

“This is a great example of how our energy efficiency programs can help schools make smart investments to reduce their consumption, save money, and use those savings to improve the environmental performance of their buildings," said John O’Herron, regional manager, Schneider Electric, in a statement. "We encourage other schools to follow the lead of Missouri Western State University to create a more modern and sustainable campus."

The initiative between the two organizations will span 27 facilities and incorporate several energy-efficient upgrades to enhance comfort while reducing energy consumption. The plan involves lighting retrofits and occupancy controls, a building automation system, and newly installed building sub-metering. The project also calls for various building envelope improvements, mechanical upgrades and domestic water fixture retrofits and modifications.

"This project will help us fund and provide efficient and reliable service to our students, faculty and staff," said Dr. Cale Fessler, vice president for financial planning and administration, Missouri Western State University. "Having a sophisticated, real-time monitoring system will allow us to track consumption and performance metrics and make adjustments when necessary."

The partnership is being orchestrated through an energy savings performance contract (ESPC), which allows government agencies to complete energy-saving projects without up-front capital costs or special appropriations. In the past 20 years, Schneider Electric has implemented more than 550 ESPCs across the nation and helped clients save more than $1 billion.

Since 1993, Schneider Electric has been focused on the education market and has implemented energy efficiency and capital improvement projects at more than 250 educational institutions.

The project implementation plan, project details, infrastructure enhancements, and expected outcomes will be shared with the Missouri Western State University community through the Schneider Electric website.