
Guidebook Released for Updated Green Construction Code

WASHINGTON — The International Code Council and Delmar, the health care and technology arm of teaching services provider Cengage Learning, recently published the construction industry’s first guide to the 2012 International Green Construction Code, which will be available in the spring.

Titled “Green Building: A Professional’s Guide to Concepts, Codes and Innovation,” is the latest joint effort developed by the two organizations, which began co-publishing special projects in 2005.

The guide is intended to give readers a better understanding of where the building industry is headed, and how to comply with green practices and regulations, according to the council.

The guide provides explains current sustainability concerns, relevant codes and standards — including IgCC and ASHRAE Standard 189.1 — along with other environmental concepts and historical precedents.

“This is the first publication covering the provisions and concepts of the International Green Construction Code, and other green standards and rating systems, in a way that would support all construction professionals by laying the foundation for design, construction and inspection based on the 2012 IgCC and its referenced standards,” said Dave Walls, executive director of sustainability for the International Code Council.

The Guide was co-authored by Anthony Floyd, senior green building consultant for Scottsdale, Ariz., and Allan Bilka, senior staff architect at the Code Council and secretariat in the development of the IgCC.

“The new, cutting-edge technologies for today’s green building projects are rapidly becoming standard practice for tomorrow,” said Delmar Vice President Greg Clayton. “In order for industry professionals to keep up with this trend, they’ll need to have a solid grasp on green building and the technologies, market forces and governmental policies that drive it.”