USGBC to Create 5 Billion Square Feet of Green Buildings
PARIS — The USGBC pledged to create more than 5 billion square feet of green buildings over the next five years through LEED and EDGE green building standards, according to a Dec. 3 statement. The pledge was made at the Conference of Parties (COP) 21, a United Nations climate negotiation conference, on Buildings Day.
“By encouraging the use of green building rating systems like LEED and EDGE in both the public and private sectors, countries can log immediate and measurable reductions of these emissions as their building stock uses less energy and water, creates less waste, saves money and creates a healthier environment for everyone,” Roger Platt, president of USGBC, said in a statement.
Platt added that green building should remain a key focus for reducing carbon emissions in many countries.
The USGBC was not the only green building council that committed to transforming the green building sector, and was joined by 25 other councils from around the world. The councils pledged to “transform the sustainability of buildings to reduce green house gas emissions and ensure that the building and construction industry plays its part in limiting global warming to 2 degrees.” Approximately one-third of all global emissions are caused by buildings, and creating a more sustainable and green economy is one of the most cost-effective ways to combat climate change.
The LEED system is used worldwide and can be found in more than 150 countries. Everyday, 1.85 million square feet of space is LEED certified, according to a statement by the USGBC. LEED is the most used system, but EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) is becoming popular in emerging economies. The green building certification program is designed for new residential and commercial buildings in developing countries that allow design teams and project owners to find the most cost-effective ways to incorporate energy and water savings into the design.
Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), USGBC’s sister organization, oversees LEED certifications globally, EDGE in India and other projects in countries throughout the world. It also oversees additional rating systems that can help reduce carbon emissions.
“USGBC has long been at the forefront of real leadership on green buildings and its ambitious commitments at these critical climate change negotiations in Paris are an excellent example of that leadership,” said Terrie Wills, CEO of the World Green Building Council, in a statement.
Not only is the USGBC pledging to create 5 billion square feet of green buildings, but the organization is also making other commitments to advocate and assist with the development of policies and strategies for green building at all levels for governments worldwide. The organization plans to expand its platform worldwide for green building education and — with partners — double non-English education offerings, among other steps to reduce carbon emissions, according to a statement
“We know how to build bigger and bigger,” Wills said in a statment. “The challenge is to build bigger and better and at the same time improve our existing buildings stock. And it is commitments like these that will underscore the critical importance of using every tool at our disposal to achieve the 2 degree world we need to ensure our future.”