
Tommy Linstroth

The Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) has named Tommy Linstroth, principal of Trident Sustainability Group and founder and CEO of Green Badger LLC, a LEED Fellow. This honor is awarded to less than 50 LEED professionals annually in recognition of important contributions to the green building movement. Linstroth has demonstrated expertise in green building over the past 10 years, helping certify more than 65 LEED projects, as well as starting and heading the USGBC Savannah and Georgia chapters. To be selected, LEED Fellows are nominated by their peers, undergo an extensive portfolio review, must have at least 10 years of experience in the green building industry and hold a LEED AP with specialty credential, among other requirements. The evaluation process is carried out by the LEED Fellow Evaluation Committee and supported by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI).