
ICC Evaluation Service Launches Environmental Product Declaration

WHITTIER, Calif. — The International Code Council’s Evaluation Service Environmental program launched its Environmental Product Declaration program to provide science-based, transparent and quality-assured information about a product’s environmental performance.

Based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), EPDs are rapidly becoming a key component of the material selection process, particularly in the building sector, according to the Council.

“The overall goal of environmental labels and declarations is to encourage the demand for, and supply of, those products that cause less stress on the environment, through communication of verifiable and accurate information that is not misleading,” said Rob Brooks, director of ICC-ES Environmental Programs. “The preference for EPDs is because they simply disclose technical, environmental information, rather than a green marketing claim or brand.”

Consumers can also compare two or more EPDs to evaluate their environmental performance — using established international standards — if the products are in the same category.

“Often likened to a nutrition label, an EPD provides a summary of the environmental impacts and related information in a form that is accessible, consistent and comparable,” a statement from the ICC-ES said. “Consumers, building design teams, specifiers and other users can then make appropriate, informed product selections.”

Manufacturers who apply for ICC-ES EPDs will be eligible to receive the ICC-ES Certified EPD mark following successful completion of the certification, showing that their declarations have been certified by ICC-ES.

EPDs are also eligible for various LEED points as well.