
Mission Statement


Our Mission: To provide timely and objective reportage of events and trends in the sustainable building industry.

While there are dozens of publications and Web sites that are currently reporting on “green” matters, we’ve noticed that many of them take a strikingly partisan view in their coverage.

We think they do a disservice to the many people like us who think that sustainable building and resource conservation make great sense but find it hard to trust information that is politically tinged.

That’s why this e-zine will follow Emlen Publications’ “stick to the news” formula. Practically speaking, this means:

We are not beholden to any political philosophy, ideology or party.

The information we publish will be straightforward, objective and as bias-free as possible. We intend to report “just the facts, ma’am,” and let others do the proselytizing.

The bulk of our coverage will be on sustainable building practices, projects and products at the practical level. Debates or exhortations over such macro issues as global warming, the Kyoto agreement and globalization are matters we will leave to more politicized publications than this one.

Where we do publish strong opinions, they will be clearly labeled as such in a separate department devoted to editorial commentaries by contributors of all stripes.

Patrick Totty, Editor