First Potomac Realty Trust


Arlington to Debut Net-Zero Energy Elementary School

ARLINGTON, Va. — Measure the soon-to-be-completed Discovery Elementary School in Arlington against nearly any other school in the region, and the differences will quickly become apparent. Where a traditional school would likely feature energy-hogging boiler and chiller systems and a veritable fleet of florescent lighting, the $35 million Discovery Elementary School has chosen another approach for its debut in August 2015. Instead, the facility will rely on a number of energy-efficient systems projected to earn it net-zero energy status.

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District of Columbia Studies Net-Zero Building Practices

WASHINGTON — A new study released by the District of Columbia Department of the Environment details how the district can best craft policy and create incentives to build zero energy, zero water and Living Buildings.

Entitled “Net Zero and Living Building Financial Study: A Cost Comparison Report for Buildings in the District of Columbia,” the research was conducted by the New Buildings Institute, International Living Future Institute and Sweden-headquartered Skanska.

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