
Green Seal Revises GS-42 Standard

WASHINGTON — Washington D.C.-based Green Seal introduced a revised version of GS-42, its standard for commercial and institutional cleaning services, the organization confirmed on May 19.

The revised standard has been reorganized to make the requirements for certification clearer and more streamlined. General criteria and leadership levels for the standard, however, have not changed. Any service currently certified does not need to meet additional requirements to maintain certification, according to Green Seal.

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Cleaning Companies Pilot Green Business Program

SAN FRANCISCO — Five San Francisco companies have successfully completed the first green business program in the county with training focused on custodial worker health.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the San Francisco Department of the Environment (SF Environment) honored the five companies last month for finishing a pilot program that aims to reduce workers’ exposure to harmful chemicals typically used in cleaning operations. A $74,500 EPA pollution prevention grant funded the program.

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University of Manitoba Sees Green with New Cleaning Supply Contract

WINNIPEG, Manitoba – The 28,000-student University of Manitoba has entered a three-year contract with Swish Maintenance and Enviro-Solutions to provide all cleaning chemicals used on campus. These include hand soap, trash liners, floor and carpet care products, and dilution systems.

The university, whose facilities occupy approximately 6 million square feet of space, has committed to using cleaning chemicals and hand soap that has been certified as "environmentally preferable" by The Environment Choice Program or Green Seal.

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