
Energy Efficiency Bill Heads to the Senate

WASHINGTON — A new bipartisan energy efficiency bill, introduced by Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), lists several measures to help raise energy efficiency levels in the U.S., while creating more private-sector jobs, reducing global warming pollution and reducing the country’s dependence on oil.

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Bipartisan Bill to Boost Economy, Create Jobs

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan energy bill aimed at boosting the economy and creating jobs was introduced to the Senate earlier in February, and is currently undergoing review the by Subcomittee on Energy and Environment.

H.R. 4017, known as the Smart Energy act, was introduced by House Energy and Commerce Committee members Reps. Charles Bass (R-N.H.) and Jim Matheson (D-Utah), and is also commonly referred to as the Bass-Matheson bill.

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Bipartisan Bill Addresses Energy Costs

WASHINGTON — Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) unveiled a bipartisan bill in the Senate that aims to help the country regain its economic footing and global leadership by deploying energy efficiency widely across the United States.

The bill, called the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2011, provides energy efficiency financing options for manufacturers, strengthens building energy codes, requires the federal government to improve its energy management and establishes a wide range of new appliance standards.

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