YRG Sustainability Consultants


Empire State Building Exceeds Guaranteed Energy Savings

NEW YORK — The energy efficiency program at the Empire State Building has exceeded guaranteed energy savings for the second year in a row, saving $2.3 million and providing a model for building retrofits nationwide.

In 2011, the Empire State Building exceeded its year one energy-efficiency guarantee by 5 percent, saving $2.4 million, and in the second year, the property beat its energy-efficiency guarantee by about 4 percent.

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Featured Articles

Q&A: Michael Kinsley, RMI

Michael Kinsley, a senior consultant at Rocky Mountain Institute, helped coordinate a team of experts who compiled information for the institute’s new publication, “Accelerating Campus Climate Initiatives: Breaking Through the Barriers.” The guide was created in concert with the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and examines several barriers and solutions for climate change initiatives at school campuses.

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