

USGBC Predicts Green Building to Represent Half U.S. Construction

WASHINGTON — The USGBC released a new report, LEED in Motion: People and Progress, which shows that green building may represent more than half of all commercial and institutional construction by 2016. This is the first of three reports in the LEED in Motion series and it specifically examines individuals and organizations that are driving and benefitting from green building and using graphics, charts and other tools to showcase a positive outcome.

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Studies Make Case for Green Building

NEW YORK — Two studies from McGraw-Hill Construction (MGH) and one developed by Turner Construction, both international building contractors headquartered in New York, show that the demand for green buildings continues to increase despite the struggling worldwide economy.

In fact, one MGH study indicates that 81 percent of U.S. executives believe the public expects them to “institutionalize” sustainability.

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USA Today and Green Building Council Debate LEED Program

MCLEAN, Va. — A recent article in USA Today has reenergized the debate on green building. The report, titled “Green schools: Long on promise, short on delivery,” lambasted the U.S. Green Building Council and its LEED certification program, which led to a reply from the non-profit organization, titled “Response to 4th USA Today Article Attacking Green Buildings.” Needless to say, the very public sparring match has made some headlines across the nation and stirred up the discussion about green schools.

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