HOK Architects

The direct supervision Pueblo County Jail will allow for maximum efficiency and connectivity with support spaces and considers safety for staff and inmates by including clear sightline views. Photo Credit: HOK

Pueblo County Jail to Balance Efficiency and Security

When the new Pueblo County Jail opens in early 2026, it will meet nearly all of the county’s correctional needs under one secure and sustainable roof. The nearly 167,000-square-foot facility, estimated at $145.8 million, will solve ongoing crowding and maintenance issues that are pervasive in the existing 509-bed downtown jail, while setting inmates and staff members up for safety and success. 

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Port of LA PD Earns LEED Gold

SAN PEDRO, Calif. — The Port of Los Angeles earned LEED Gold certification for its new Los Angeles Port Police Headquarters building, the first LEED Gold building in San Pedro.

The new building, which Port Police recently moved into, was designed with sustainable features that include pervious paving, landscaped bio-filtration/stormwater retention areas, high-reflectance paving and cool roof materials to reduce heat island impacts.

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